Tzara's Heart Page 2
Tzara lingered on the phone as she drifted into her bedroom to the closet wondering what she would wear. They talked for a bit longer and agreed that she should arrive at his home at seven, which would give her a little under two hours to get dressed and across town.
She stood frozen for a moment, replaying and absorbing everything that had just happened. A huge grin broke out over her face and she dived onto her queen-sized bed, giggling to herself. Kicking her feet in the air she pummeled the bed with her fists. Rolling over on to her stomach she stuffed a throw pillow into her mouth and let out a squeal that had it been heard full force would've had her neighbors—who were a mile on either side of her—calling the authorities.
Finally calm, albeit a bit exhausted, she contemplated the evening before her. Sometime during the call, she'd slid down the bed so that her she was hanging upside down over the side. She needed to get moving if she didn't want to be late. Righting herself she hopped off of the bed. Hanging off the bed had caused the blood to rush to her head. Once she stood, she had to stand still for a moment to stop the world from spinning. What had she been thinking, flopping around like fourteen year old? Lord, if grandmother had seen her on that bed with her sneakers on, she would've pitched a fit.
Tzara laughed to herself. If her grandmother knew what she was planning on doing in another bed that night, the old gal would keel over if she wasn't already dead. Or maybe not; grandmother did have six kids and nine grandchildren before leaving this earth. She might've simply told her to wear something that would make that man know how lucky he was to be graced with her presence.
Tzara took her time selecting her outfit. After several outfits she finally settled on a black knit dress. It had had a turtleneck and long sleeves and ended a few inches below her knees. She paired it with her favorite high-heeled boots and a silver chain belt that slung low over her hips. Pulling back the top part of her hair with a clip, it kept her hair out of her face while showing off its length. Deftly, she applied a smoky gray shadow to her eyes and a sheer gloss to her lips.
She stood in the same place that she'd occupied that morning and again took stock of herself. Turning this way and that she was more than content with what she saw. Smiling at her reflection, she knew that she was ready.
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Chapter Three
Tzara got a full-fledged case of nerves just as she arrived on Jason's street. She actually had to sit in the car for several moments before she was able to exit the vehicle. Grabbing the gift box that cradled the wine, she finally made her way to his front door.
By the time she got half way there he was standing in the doorway waiting for her. Jason looked amazing in his tailored slacks and light blue dress shirt. She paused for a moment to take him all in—and that was a whole lot of man to take in. Mercy. His hair was longer than the last time that she'd seen him. It was now a bit past his shoulders. She couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like fisted in her hands.
Allowing her eyes to roam over his muscled-chest down to the gold buckle of his belt, she bit her lip. She would be a liar if she said that she wasn't interested in the ridge that she saw behind his fly and all of the man it was attached to, but she forced her gaze lower taking in his ... oh God, thick thighs then on to his large feet, which were still bare. If feet were truly an indication of a man's other anatomy, she was definitely going to be a satisfied woman.
She watched as Jason walked down the few steps from his door, oblivious to his bare feet to escort her in. That one move made her smile, for it showed her that he considered her more important than his personal comfort. He smelled wonderful. Her strong sense of smell allowed her to take in all of his scents. There were the smells that accompanied showers, but there was something else.
Jason smelled strong and heady, and more importantly, he smelled like a MAN in all capital letters followed by an exclamation point, but maybe she was just really horny. As he guided her into his home, he placed his hand at the small of her back and she felt a little tingle move up her spine. Her nipples hardened in her lace bra and she was glad he was behind her.
"Welcome, Tzara. I'm so glad you came,” he said softly. She shivered in excitement.
"I'm glad you asked me.” She turned to him then and presented a bottle of red wine that she'd brought. “I know that you said I didn't have to, but I couldn't come empty-handed. Normally, I'd bring something sweet but I didn't have time to whip anything up."
She wasn't sure but she could have sworn she saw a blush creep up his neck before he dipped his head. When he looked up again he had a sly smile on his face. He caught his bottom lip with his teeth for a split second then leaned down and kissed her check.
"Thank you, this is perfect. You look really nice."
Tzara felt her skin prickle at the compliment and she couldn't help but grin back.
"You look nice too."
Jason led her to the kitchen and opened the wine. He handed her a couple of glasses and let her pour while he put their meal on the table. They talked companionably about everything that had been transpiring in the past four months with both of them. He'd been working all over Texas and Louisiana, building and remodeling homes. Her business had grown. She was surprised when he told her that he'd had a chance to sample some of her desserts at a coffee shop in the bayou.
The meal ended with them laughing and trading stories about their families and friends. Tzara offered to help with the dishes, but Jason was adamant that she stay and relax while he cleared the table. They decided to postpone dessert and watch a movie. He led her back to the living room and she couldn't help but notice that like him, everything in the room was big and manly.
His armchairs looked as if they could nearly swallow her. Settling herself on the couch, she decided that she'd have to test that theory later because right now she wanted to sit next to Jason Martin.
* * * *
The phone rang just as Jason was about to say something. He looked at the caller ID and decided he needed to take the call
"I apologize, Tzara, please, take of your shoes and get comfortable. I'll be back in just a moment."
She smiled her understanding and waited until he'd gone down the hall. Then she sat forward to remove her boots and put them in front of the sofa. Waiting a moment longer, she got up to take a look at the photos that he'd grouped on the mantle and the coffee table.
She was beginning to wonder where the heck the TV was when she heard a whirring sound coming from the direction of the fireplace.
She jumped just a little as she saw the wall behind the mantel move up and a flat screen TV slide forward. At the sound of Jason's chuckle, she turned to find him leaning in the doorway still on the phone but pointing a tiny remote toward the wall.
Though he was still talking on the phone, he padded forward and pushed slightly at the wood paneling revealing rows of DVDs. He made a conversational hmm into the phone and nodded towards her indicating that she should pick something out.
She was impressed but kept quiet, half listening to his conversation now that he was in the room. Damn, she liked the way his voice flowed. Words seemed more colorful—musical almost—when he spoke them.
"I love you."
Her heart stopped and she turned just in time to see Jason ending his conversation on the phone. She was a little disappointed. For a moment she thought that he'd been talking to her.
"Sorry, that was my mom. She picked today to give me the whole, ‘Why are you still single’ speech,” he explained as he sat the phone on an end table by the couch. “So did you decide on something or do you just want to channel surf for a while?"
Tzara looked back over her shoulder at the large TV, then at Jason before shrugging her shoulders. “Let's channel surf for a while. I don't really know what I'm in the mood to see."
Her brain was screaming, “Liar, liar pants on fire. You want to see a porno with a little bwah, chica bwah, bwah starring Tzara and Jason. That's what you want to see."
/> She felt a blush creeping up her skin. With the way she was feeling, she was glad that Jason couldn't read thoughts. Stealing a glance at him out of the corner of her eye she noticed him looking at her ass. She tested him by slightly shifting her weight from one foot to the other. His Adam's apple bobbed and he shifted his weight to accommodate the bulge in his pants. Smiling, she wondered how big that bulge would get if he knew that she was sans panties under her dress.
He walked over to the leather sofa. She wanted to be bold and walk over and sit on his lap, but she also didn't want to seem too eager. She started to sit on the couch, a little ways from him, when his deep voice stopped her.
"Having a flat screen the picture is good regardless of where you sit, so I can't use that excuse, but I'd like it if you sat a little closer."
A thrill ran through her and she moved closer.
"Thank you for spending time with me, Tzara. I hope that you're having a good time."
She smiled in response. “I'm having the best time Jason. Thank you for wanting to spend time with me."
It didn't go unnoticed that he remained standing waiting until she was seated. Placing her hand on the middle of his chest, she marveled at how much taller he was. If she leaned in and put her face to his chest, her nose would just reach his sternum.
Standing on her tiptoes she brushed her lips across his chin. Oh yeah, if they were going to be seen in public, she was definitely going to get to expand her shoe collection. She'd always felt drawn to stilettos, but hadn't purchased more than a few pairs since she had no reason to indulge. Looking up at Jason, she knew that she now had a reason. She hoped that the difference in their heights wasn't a turn off for him. Lost in those thoughts, she was surprised, and turned on, to feel his erection graze her belly. Smiling, she knew that it wasn't going to be a problem.
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Chapter Four
Jason stepped back and held her hand as she sat down. To Tzara's surprise, he not only offered her the remote, but he settled in front of her on the floor, stretching his incredibly long legs out in front of him. She glanced down at him and smiled before returning her attention to the screen. Surfing through the channels, she came across a re-run of a classic variety show and paused. Since Jason didn't object, she left it there and curled her feet underneath her before turning her attention to the show.
They watched together in silence and laughed in the same places. It was nice discovering that they shared similar senses of humor. Jason had relaxed back against the cushions, but her feet were starting to tingle from her sitting on them. Stretching, she slid her legs from under her and began to slide them off the couch.
Jason caught her left foot in one hand and stilled her movement. He slid closer to her and placed his head on her knee before kneading her feet. If Tzara hadn't already been turned on, this surely would've started her engine. She wanted to close her eyes and moan.
Instead she tried to focus on the show. It took about a minute for her to give up feigning interest. Her hand twitched and she couldn't resist the urge to play with his hair. Tentatively, she stroked her fingers over the silky strands. Jason tipped his head slightly back, giving her greater access. Smiling, she sunk her fingers deep into his lustrous mane and ran their tips over his scalp. The purring sound that rumbled from deep in his throat caused her tummy to flip and her breath to catch. When she chanced a look at him, she gasped as Jason was staring directly into her eyes.
Jason turned his big body so that he was facing Tzara squarely. He studied her for a moment, and then asked, “Is it ok if I kiss you?"
Tzara's voice was lost and she couldn't seem to swallow the lump in her throat.
What are you waiting for Tzara Johnson? MOVE! Her mind screamed.
She leaned in slowly and Jason rose up on his knees to meet her.
The kiss was tentative at first, starting off as a soft meeting of the lips as they gently pressed and fluttered against each other. Jason tipped her head back with is large, calloused hand and deepened the pressure. When Tzara opened her mouth slightly to draw a breath Jason slipped his tongue in and mated with hers.
The passion was so intense that her heart raced with excitement and her body quivered. When Jason pulled back, it was all she could do not to lean forward, even though she desperately wanted to stay in contact with his body.
"I don't want to move too fast for you Tzara, but I won't make a secret of the fact that you turn me on."
Tzara's heart leaped and her pussy hummed. She had hoped that the night would turn out like this. Leaning closer, she kissing him, pouring as much passion as she could in to the act. Tasting the wine on his breath, she sighed her pleasure into his mouth. When his tongue began to battle with hers, she became intoxicated.
Her breathing was so heavy she had to pull away. He allowed her to lift her head but not to leave the circle of his arms.
They stayed that way for a few moments before he stood and lifted her in his arms. Effortlessly, he carried her down the hall. She tucked her head under his chin and listen to the pounding of his heartbeat.
When they entered the bedroom, Jason took great care with setting her on her feet near the huge sleigh bed. He turned her so that her back was to his front. She was just tall enough that when he wrapped his arms around her his erection rode against the top of her ass. Drawing in a deep breath, she felt her womb clench hard. He was a big man in every sense of the word. The hard outline of him against her was hot enough to brand her through the layers of their clothes.
Tzara stretched her hands up over her head and rested them on his shoulders. Without heels, she was too short to be able to link then around his neck, but the position still lifted her breasts high and forced her to arch her back. She felt his cock strain against her when she pressed the globes of her ass more firmly against him. It throbbed with the pulse of his heartbeat.
Jason ran his hand up her rib cage, tracing his fingers over her skin as if he was tickling piano keys. When he softly cupped her breasts, testing their weight in his big hands, her knees began to tremble as he rolled her nipples between his thumb and forefingers. She brought her own hands down to cover his, pressing gently to indicate that she wanted him to touch her more firmly.
"Don't be shy, Tzara. Tell me what you want. Show me how to please you."
His voice was gruff and laden with passion. It turned her on so much to hear the struggle he was having to keep himself in check.
Tzara wanted to see him, touch him, and taste him. She wanted all of those things and more and she wanted them NOW! Quickly, she spun in his arms so quickly that he took a few steps back. It was exactly what she needed. She dropped to her knees in the space that he'd created and quickly undid his belt and unzipped his pants.
She was more than pleased when his manhood sprang free. Never before had she thought that going commando was sexy, but the way that her pussy was throbbing she knew that she'd never want to see him any other way.
Jason's cock was perfect. It was long and thick with a beautiful helmet. She was sure that all of the imitation ones that she'd invested in had been modeled after him, only they were thinner and much, much, much shorter.
Slowly, she stroked him from root to tip, noting how thick he was. He moaned low in his throat when she closed her fingers around him. His moans made him sound primal, animalistic even. Tzara licked her lips and leaned in close. Giving in to her own moan, she stuck the tip of her tongue out and flicked it over the slit in his purple helmet. She tapped her tongue against it as if it was a microphone and she was testing to see if it was on. Oh it was definitely on!
He clinched his fists and slightly thrust his hips forward, pressing against her lips. She welcomed his action by opening her mouth wide and allowing him to slide into the hot cavern of her mouth. She was careful not to allow him too far in; he was too long to fit and she really didn't want to choke to death before she got to ride his monster cock.
She gripped him with both hands and fluttered
her tongue over the long vein on the underside of his rod. Tzara looked up just as he opened his eyes and looked down. He wanted a show and she'd give him one. Winking saucily at him, a split second later she started bobbing her head over his massive cock like the pistons of a bored-over 454 engine on a hot rod truck.
She worked her hands up and down as well as twisting them in opposite directions. He put his massive hands in her hair and sucked his bottom lip into his mouth when she began to squeeze his cock, milking him by tightening one fist at a time in an alternating pattern. Tzara was so wrapped up in her performance that it shocked her when Jason suddenly dislodged himself from her hold and lifted her in the air.
With his hands around her upper arms he tossed her lightly onto the bed. Before she could right herself he'd stepped out of his dress pants and removed his shirt. She leaned up on her elbows and watched as he crawled up and over her bracketing her body between his powerful thighs.
He ran one long calloused finger down the side of her face and across her lips. There, he stilled for a moment and let her tease the digit, imitating her earlier actions. She watched the way he narrowed his eyes. The lids so close together that the upper and lower lashes seemed tangled. Opening his eyes, Jason tipped his head slightly to one side and studied her. He splayed his right hand across her cleavage. She was surprised that to note that his pinky and thumb nearly each touched a nipple, especially considering that she was very blessed in the breast department.
Tzara tipped her head back and thrust her chest up at him urging him to pay more attention to her twin peaks. When Jason clenched his hand into a fist, she thought that he was simply going to haul her forward for a passionate kiss. What she hadn't expected was for him to use his hands to rip the top of her dress apart so her breasts sprang free like two convicts escaping Pelican Bay.
When he continued to rip her dress all the way to the hem, Tzara fell back against the mattress and quivered in excitement. She knew that her thighs were coated with her honey and she felt her pussy gush even more when Jason sniffed her from crotch to chin pausing only long enough to flick her belly button ring. Yes, she'd been very wise to skip wearing underwear tonight. She felt as if she was about to be devoured like a lone gazelle by a lion in its prime.